The Jakobssons
The Jakobssons
We are the parents of Daniel Jakobsson in the Advance Class.
4 years ago a friend introduced us to HKILA. At the time we were commuting to a school in central, but looking for a suitable school in Discovery Bay (closer to home). We did find that in HKILA!
HKILA is a school following the UK curriculum. It is a small school with a high teacher to student ratio. The school caters to Daniel’s individual education level and support his individual learning needs.
The high teacher to student ration has also allowed the school to not only provide support when needed but also recognised when a challenge is required.
Daniel loves going to school and his teachers are amazing. We have seen a steady and beautiful development in Daniel without any stress due to the caring and nurturing environment offered at HKILA.
Joining HKILA was a real game changer and we could not be happier with the decision made 4 years ago.
The Jakobssons.